An Adventure Begins

This has been a dream of mine for so long. I've always loved teaching and creating, and now I’m excited to share that passion with a wider audience.

The photo you see here was taken by my son, Oren, while he was leading a canoe trip in Canada many years ago. For the young campers, the experience was about exploring the unknown—not just the forests, lakes, and rivers, but also their inner selves. Over the course of the trip, they would laugh, cry, try new things, take risks, and itch bug bites. For some reason, that really resonates with me. As a teacher and artist, my journey has included all those things, plus making mistakes, getting back up to try again, and always reading and learning for my own growth. I can completely relate to that feeling of "jumping off the cliff."

This website will be its own kind of adventure, one that probably won’t follow a straight path. I might take a detour and discover something completely unexpected. I could post a batch of upcycled Mexican shopping totes (hint, hint), or I might introduce more of my Comfort Creatures—the creation that started it all. Whatever I share, it will involve reusing materials, inventing new purposes for old things, improving or beautifying the worn, and challenging the mindset that some things can’t be repaired.

After many years of working with young children, I’ve come to treasure their ability to create their own realities, to believe the world is wonderful and full of possibility, and to express generosity and grace. I hope some of that has rubbed off on me.